Tuesday 3 November 2009

Anxiety Help I Found Useful

Nowadays there are hundreds of anxiety help guides, books and CDs to choose from. Trying to find something that works can be confusing, especially when you don't know which one to choose. The best advice I can give is to see a specialist or therapist to treat anxiety.

As well as therapy however, there are other things you can do to help the healing process. When I had anxiety I scoured the net to find any anxiety help or tips. The following are the best tips I've found that actually made a difference.

Have fun and don't get stuck in a routine. I realize this might be a little hard if you're busy with work and a family. But making the effort to enjoy life can make you feel happier and less anxious. Rather than sit around with worrying thoughts which lead to nowhere, do something with your time.

Bake a cake, read a book, go for a walk, go for a nice drive, go to the gym, meet your friends for a chat; there are lots of things to do that can serve as both a distraction and also release of tension and stress.

Learn to relax properly and make time to relax. None of us do this enough and it's no wonder we feel wired all day. Practice deep breathing exercises; you can do this with music if you like.

Anxiety help groups are great for talking about your problems. Don't let stress and anxiety build up. They will only increase anxiety symptoms. Why not give these tips a go and see how much better you will feel.